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If your headache is accompanied by face and neck pain, it has the potential to tear one of your 4 carotid arteries located along the side of your neck.
Any kind of damage done to these arteries could result in a large accumulation of blood that blocks the flow of fresh blood from your heart to your brain, and has the potential to cause a stroke.
Experiencing a headache with numbness and weakness focused on one half your head could be a sign of Cerebral venous Thrombosis.
This means you have an excess amount of blood or bleeding around your brain,which is another major cause of a stroke.
These headaches really live up to their name because they strike suddenly like thunder and lightening, and can leave your head throbbing in pain for about a minute.
However, if your pain returns about an hour, it could be the start of a fatal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Giant Cell Arteritis is a condition where the arteries in your head become inflamed. The inflammation is often accompanied by pain behind your eyes, in your upper neck, and in the back of your head.
It is also common to experience blurred vision, and if gone untreated too long it could increase your risk of stroke, and even lead to permanent blindness.
If you crashed your bike, or injured yourself in a football or basketball game, and begin experiencing headaches within 10 days of the event, there is a high possibility you're suffering from a concussion.
This is the most likely warning sign of meningitis because about 95 percent of all patients experiencing meningitis report getting headaches accompanied by a stiff neck.
If you find yourself getting headaches after one night stands, or other risky behaviors, you should get yourself checked out as soon as you can because headaches are one of the main symptoms of HIV.
Getting headaches after exercising, or working out is a probable sign of dehydration. So, next time you're going out for an intense workout, bring a water bottle to make sure you stay properly hydrated.
It is actually somewhat common to experience headaches more often while you're pregnant, but if getting headaches is unusual for you, it would be wise to schedule a trip to your doctor.
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